Ric Swenson on mon 3 mar 97
I bought my first Brent wheel in 1970 or 1971. A model CXC...powerful and
smooth wheel (even Peter Voulkos used that wheel to throw up while at a
workshop in Anchorage...about 1978...he even SIGNED the under side!)
.....but I digress.....again....within a year or two, I had built some
legs..to bring the level of the head up to comfortable...adjustable
height.....so I could demonstrate and be seen more easily by a classroom
full of teenagers. Now that I am old and gray and bald....and have not so
new a back as I once did....The legs...made of simple pipe that slip over
the three legs of the wheel and have a set screw...to level the wheel on
any surface....still work just fine.
I think I may have seen a set of legs you can BUY from Brent? Call them if
you have a Brent/AMACO or a Torque-Glide.
Just my experience.
Hope this helps
Ric Swenson, Bennington
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