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tom coleman

updated sun 10 aug 03


Virginia Gibbs on wed 30 apr 97

Could someone please provide me with an address or email for Tom Coleman?

Brad S. Reitz on thu 1 may 97

Tom Coleman's studio address is :

6230 Greyhound Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89122

Brad Reitz
Las Vegas

Jon Pacini on tue 7 aug 01

Greetings all---I would like to apologize to Tom Coleman regarding my
statement that he is in the employ of our direct competition. During a
pleasant conversation with him this morning he has assured me that he is

Jon Pacini
Clay Manager
Laguna Clay Co

Ilene Mahler on sat 9 aug 03

I am very lucky to be taking my 3rd workshop this week tho had to leave =
early as the heat and humidity got to me..He is doing a reverse thing at =
the start we are glazing all those lovely shinos.......I can hardly wait =
as tomorrow we throw..Such forms and I will have the pleasure of crystal =
glazing all of mine......Oh I know its' early..But looking for a roomate =
for the conference..Fa Shimbo can't go one of these days....Ilene in =
miserable icky Conn glad to be back on the list