Betty Burroughs on sat 13 sep 97
Metchosin International Summer School of the Arts at Lester B. Pearson
College of the Pacific, Victoria, B.C. Canada is hosting a 2-day ceramic
workshop with internationally renowned potter, Tom Coleman, October 4 & 5,
1997, from 10am to 4pm both days.
Tom works on the borderline between the utilitarian and the non-utilitarian.
His vessels are meant to be containers of emotion or ideas. His glazes can
be luminescent with subtle modulations carrying the eye from one analogous
colour to the other, or can be starkly contrasting. Textures range from
suave to crackled, to coarse. Shapes, though obviously wheel-thrown, suggest
the walls of his pots have been altered into irregular convexities from
within. Tom practices a brushwork of great fluidity, more suggestive of
watercolour abstraction on paper than glaze on clay.
Fees: $100.00 (includes GST). Refreshments and lunches are included on
both days. Make cheque payable to M.I.S.S.A. and send to Meira Mathison,
Pearson College, 650 Pearson College Drive, Victoria, BC V9C 4H7
For more information call Meira at (250) 391-2420 or Fax: (250)391-2412
Betty Burroughs
Victoria, BC
Susan Filley on fri 24 jul 98
Tom Coleman, internationally known porcelain potter, will be doing a two
day workshop in Charleston, South Carolina in September. Coming from
Nevada, where he runs Coleman Studios, a school and gallery, this will be
his first workshop in this area in over a decade. Tom will be
demonstrating on the wheel, throwing many of his porcelain pots, as well as
working with some more sculptural ideas. There will also be slides,
discussion, good stories, and technical information.
Dates - September 19 -20, Limited enrollment, cost - $115 by August
20, late registration - $130
Charleston is a beautiful city with great restaurants, tons of history, and
beaches just minutes away. Plan an extra day if you can... Info about
hotels can be sent , if needed, --please request.
Write: Marsh and Clayworks PO box 20951, Charleston, SC 29413
phone: (843) 971-9934
Susan Filley on fri 7 aug 98
For those that missed this message in July - - -
Tom Coleman, internationally known porcelain potter, will be doing a two
day workshop in Charleston, South Carolina in September. Coming from
Nevada, where he runs Coleman Studios, a school and gallery, this will be
his first workshop in this area in over a decade. Tom will be
demonstrating on the wheel, throwing many of his porcelain pots, as well as
working with some more sculptural ideas. There will also be slides,
discussion, good stories, and technical information.
Dates - September 19 -20, Limited enrollment, cost - $115 by August
20, (limited number of student discounts), late registration - $130
Charleston is a beautiful city with great restaurants, tons of history, and
beaches just minutes away. Plan an extra day if you can... Info about
hotels can be sent , if needed, --please request.
Call for more info: Susan - (843) 971-9934
Write: Marsh and Clayworks PO box 20951, Charleston, SC 29413
Susan Filley on thu 3 sep 98
I posted this on Clayart last month , but had another question, so I would
like to send it out one more time. -
Tom Coleman will be doing a demonstration workshop in Charleston, SC on
September 19 and 20. Internationally known for his beautiful porcelain
pots and famous "Vegas Red", Tom Coleman has been making pots for over 30
years. He has been invited to Australia and Europe, taught at Anderson
Ranch and Penland, and his work is in many significant collections. Tom
will be throwing many of his beautiful porcelain forms, demonstrating
sculptural techniques, and discussing his thoughts about glazing and
decorating. Tom has not given many workshops on the east coast in many
years and he shares a great amount of information and demonstrates lots of
techniques. With lots of energy and good humor, in short, a great workshop.
The workshop will go from 9-5 on Saturday and 9:30-4 on Sunday. Saturday
afternoon will include a slide show and I hope to have a happy hour get
together out on Folly Beach. Charleston is a fun city to visit ( since we
did not get hit by Bonnie) with lots af great restaurants, plenty of
southern history, and beaches just down the road (the ocean is still warm
and great for swimming).
The cost is $115 and includes coffee and snacks and Saturday lunch. I
will mail out directions and hotel information, if you send me a postal
For more information call or write: Susan Filley (843) 971-9934
Write: Marsh and Clayworks PO box 20951, Charleston, SC 29413
To Register- Send name, address, and your check to above address,
(registration is limited) and I will send your maps and directions out
Craig Martell on wed 26 may 99
Tom Coleman will be at The Fire's Eye Pottery and Gallery for a two day
workshop, June 4th and 5th. He will be doing demos and discussing glazes.
He will also fire a Geil kiln at the studio.
The cost is $90 bucks and the hours are 9am to 5pm both days.
Fire's Eye is at 19915 SW Muddy Valley Rd. McMinnville, Oregon 97128. The
phone is (503)843-9797. Dan Wheeler is the dude in charge of the whole
shebang. Tom is having an exhibition of work there during the month of June
as well. I'm fairly certain that Elaine Coleman will have work on exhibit
later, Craig Martell in Oregon
Wendy Neilson on fri 28 may 99
Hot Damn! You Oregon potters are lucky!! Tom does fabulous workshops for all
levels of clay people. Aspiring newbies have something to strive towards and
the old pros will sharpen skills. Big bonus having Elaine there too. Her
carvings are positively 'squiz'... have a great time, wish I could go. Tom
is coming to Canada but I have to wait a whole year.
wendy .. Victoria, B.C. (if the workshop isn't already full..sign up FAST)
Jim Cullen on sun 30 may 99
DON'T PASS THIS UP. Tom is the greatest. He shares his entire life story and
does it with such ease and sincerity that you will feel you've known him your
entire life by the end of the workshop. And he throws a mean pot. His ideas
and suggestions are all doable. No unshared secrets. Everything is out there
for you to learn. Ask questions. He loves the rappour.
Tell him Hi from the guy that figured out how to make the cheese slicer wire.
Jim Cullen
Naperville, Illinois
Earl Brunner on wed 8 sep 99
Elaine Coleman asked me if I would post this to the list:
There are still 5 openings available in the November 8 - November 12th
"Private Session" at Coleman Clay Studio in Las Vegas Nevada. The
session is open to intermediate and advanced potters. The sessions
specialize in form, function, porcelain, section forms, non-functional
pieces and glazes. Tom will work with you on anything that you and the
group want to focus on. Time is split between group work and one-on-one
time with each participant. If desired he will also work on copper reds
with you, but you will need to bring some bisqued porcelain pieces.
Studio will be open until 9:00P.M.
For more information call 702-564-4001 or fax 703-564-1137. A
non-refundable $100.00 deposit is required to reserve your place. The
total workshop fee is $350.00
Earl Brunner
Lillian Thibodeau on tue 25 apr 06
I just returned from a fantastic two day workshop
given by Tom Coleman at Kevin Lehman's studio in
Lancaster, Pa.. I'm all pumped up to try the
techniques Tom demonstrated so aptly. It was amazing
how fast the days flew by as we learned and were
entertained by this very talented and funny potter.
Kevin's studio is a great place to attend a
conference, too. Our hosts made us very comfortable
and offered us excellent food.
We also had a chance to see the Strictly Functional
Pottery exhibit a couple of times, once on a rainy
Saturday night when it was opened expecially for us.
I wish I could share pictures with you, but I'm still
in point and shoot mode.
If you have a chance to attend a Tom Coleman workshop,
I hope you won't pass it up. It was excellent--one of
the best I've experienced.
Best Regards,
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