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trimming and footing

updated sun 31 aug 97


Orion Ceramic Studios on sat 16 aug 97

Width of foot: An easy and reliable way to gauge the inner diameter of the
bottom of a pot is to use a "Lidmaster" (or other) caliper for a measuring
tool. Once you know "how wide the inside bottom is, when you invert the
pot for trimming you'll be able to judge how much material you've got to
work with. It's a great technique I learned at a production oriented

Depth of foot: To gauge how thick the bottom is, simply hold a ruler
upright next to the pot, and using a second ruler (or
dowel/chopstick/(whatever)) compare the elevation of the second stick
inside the pot vs. outside the pot. The difference in elevation will equal
the thickness of the bottom! This I learned in geometry class!

Happy trimming!

Ellen Baker, Orion Ceramic Studios