Sheila Drummer on fri 12 apr 96
Maybe this is self evident to all of you who can center, but how can you get
a pot that is on a poly foam pad to move? I can see how when I put a pot
on the wheelhead with a bead of water that it will slide, but not on foam.
Sheila Drummer
At 09:52 AM 4/12/96 EDT, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>let me suggest that you try those pads which can be found in camper
>supply stores and boating supplies and now even in Wal-Marts which
>are designed to keep things in place on shelves in moving vehicles.
>They are also used in wood shops to hold work while sanding etc.
>They are now quite cheap in Wal Mart. The price hads dropped to a
>fraction of what it was a year ago.
>The University of Alabama
>I hate wearing a tie
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