John Jacobs on sat 13 apr 96
Hi again,
Got to thinking about the reasons folks spend time trimming and whether
or not there were some good shortcuts and time-savers.
Last year I went to a workshop presented by a NW potter from just
outside of Spokane WA. Chris Kroupa is the potter I'm talking about.
Anyway, Chris used a technique for trimming mugs and various types of
pots that I'd like to pass on. What Chris did was to take an old butter
or similar dull knife and either grind and/or file the end into an
appropriate shape, which he then used as a trimming tool to finish the
mug bottom at the end of throwing it and before he took it off the bat.
He had various such knives with different shapes filed, for different
effects on pot/mug bottoms.
I'll try a picture:
Knife blade exterior mug bottom
__________________ | |
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__________________(__ <- finger (____)
The "finger" is a portion of the blade that is left to fit under the
mug bottom and trim a little off. It is about 1/16th of an inch of the
blade width or less. The length is about 3/8 to 1/2 inch. It is also
slightly curved like this ) if you throw counter clockwise and like
this ( if you throw clockwise. You can make numerous different such
tools to get a variety of differnt trimmed effects on pot/mug bottoms. I
hope I have described this well enough for folks to understand my meaning.
Next time I see Chris, I'll suggest he send this one in to CM.
Do any of you have similar such "tricks" or "techniques" for trimming
trimming time that you'd care to share?
John Jacobs
Gig Harbor WA
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