Donald G. Goldsobel on fri 22 nov 96
Id am reporting on the use of a tip i picked up from this discussion group.
I have had a problem in trimming plattes that have a large bottom that
won't support itself because of the span and wight. I got some one inch
upholstery foam (one sheet 24" x 60"= $7 in LA) and cut out circles the
approximatea diamater of the inside flat part of the platter. I contact
cemented it to an old partcle board bat, placed (but did not glue it)
another one on top and then the platter, which was tapped to center. I
trimmed it with no further aattachment. The bottom did not collapse, the
parts are reuseable and the material is cheap enough to make several sizes
to keep on hand for future use. I wonder if proper stacking would work for
large bowls?
Donald Goldsobel (POTS) in LA where it is raining so hard it sounds like a
cow peeing on a flat rock.
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