CP Dunbar on thu 6 feb 97
Ok, I've seen this book mentioned from time to time, but very
consistently. Enough to know that maybe we all need it to clutter
our homes w/. But I would love it if someone more knowledgable than
myself would please give a synopsis of this book. If frequency of
mention , or longevity of mention were to count on the y axis as
importance of book increases on the x axis, then I believe this
book would cover a fair surface area. ( As Mr Pritchard's treatise
on Poetry - from the Dead Poet's Society :) )
thanx, cp
"And she shall have music wherever my Lady goes."
jeffeyshale@yahoo.com on tue 20 jul 99
Greatings! I'm new to this egroup and have already found it interesting
and useful. This is my first posting on this egroup. And a partial
reply to Mike Bailey's query about Val Cushing...
Log on to http://nyscc.alfred.edu/mus/Mus.html
I was an undergraduate student at Alfred University during the early
1980's Val Cushing was one of my professors. It's hard to even think of
the program with out mentioning Val's impact upon it. Val taught a Clay
and glaze calculations seminar to the graduate students and to some of
the undergrads who would audit the course ( myself). If there was any
thing one wanted to know about Ceramics Val was the man with the
answers. The Guru.
Charles Moore on sun 28 oct 01
Some time back someone posted a note about Val Cushing's "Handbook." It =
seems that his wife is selling the books directly. Could you let me =
know how to reach Mrs. Cushing?
Charles Moore
Sacramento, CA
Steven Branfman on mon 29 oct 01
Once again, here is the contact info for Val Cushing. His handbook is
available only through him directly. It is not sold in stores!!
Contact Val at:
1497 Water Wells Rd
Rd 1, Box 236
Alfred Station NY 14802
607 587 9193
Steven Branfman
The Potters Shop
31 Thorpe Rd.
Needham MA 02494, USA
781 449 7687
fax: 781 449 9098
mark knott on fri 23 jul 10
Turned out that the contact# I had was correct. Thanks to all and sorry =3D
if you took the time to respond. Mark Knott
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