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vinegar hi ron roy

updated mon 30 jun 97


Clay on mon 9 jun 97

Hi Ron,
I talk to this sunrise factory's owner before they close. The amazing
things that he told me is he let all their mugs dry before they put handles
on their MUGS.

Plus they only use water & because of dry clay suck water theory, their
handles get suck on tight, tight.

-They only use Bone China which they say they shipped most of their clay
from England.However I found some RODACCO Clay box kicking around.

Ian Chung

>I use just vinegar to add handles. Porcelain has a tendency to crack around
>joints when water or slip is used. As to why it works I can only guess.
>First it must lower surface tension in clay and make it wet easier. It also
>flocculates the clay on the surface and makes it sticky fast so you don't
>have to work it into the pot. The net result is there is not a lot of wet
>clay around the joint to shrink and crack. Helps of you like the smell of
>vinegar - which I do. They say the cider vinegar has the edge over the
>Ron Roy
>Toronto, Canada
>Evenings, call 416 439 2621
>Fax, 416 438 7849
>Studio: 416-752-7862.
>Home page