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warren mackenzie whereabouts

updated mon 30 jun 97


Stephen Sell on fri 27 jun 97

Fellow Clayarters,
I will be traveling to Minneapolis / Stillwater this summer and have been
trying to contact Warren Mackenzei via phone / snail mail so that I may visit
his studio while in the area. Is anyone aware of his schedule??? I will be
traveling the last week of July and the first of August. Any help would be

Stephen R. Sell /
Pittsburgh, PA

Bjorn-Kare Nilssen on sat 28 jun 97

In article <>,
Stephen Sell wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Fellow Clayarters,
> I will be traveling to Minneapolis / Stillwater this summer and have been
>trying to contact Warren Mackenzei via phone / snail mail so that I may visit
>his studio while in the area. Is anyone aware of his schedule??? I will be
>traveling the last week of July and the first of August. Any help would be

I don't know his schedule, but right now he is here, in Kristiansand, Norway!
At least he was a couple of days ago. One of his former students, the
Norwegian Grete Nash, is having a very large retrospective exhibition here,
and Warren MacKenzie and Richard Hirsch are both having their own guest
exhibitions as part of it.
Nice work (by all three of them :-)

|| Bjorn K. Nilssen // // mainly 3D ||
|| Grimsvollen 30 //
|| N-4616 Kristiansand //
|| NORWAY //