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wax resist's shelf life

updated sat 31 aug 96 on mon 19 aug 96

Many of my CCA (Connecticut Clay Artists) colleagues were complaining about
the new year limit on the shelf life of wax resist from Irwin Ceramics Supply
and other suppliers. They found that the consistancy of the resist has
thickened (like mayo) and is unusable. Told to add water, this still didn't
work. Does anyone know how to revive "old" wax resist? Who carries this stuff
with longer or no shelf life? I remember keeping a container of this stuff on
the studio shelf for ever with no problem. Is it being made with an inferior
chemical these days that breaks down after a year? Also does any know of a
wax resist that can be added to glaze? Paula Sibrack, Sherman, CT

Valice Raffi on tue 20 aug 96

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Many of my CCA (Connecticut Clay Artists) colleagues were complaining about
>the new year limit on the shelf life of wax resist Who carries this stuff
>with longer or no shelf life?


I have a jar of wax resist from Marin Ceramic Supply
112 Ohio Street
Richmond, CA 94804
fax: 510-236-2777

effective 9/1/96: 888-236-1492 (toll free)

My jar shows no change except for a bit of hardening of the wax around the
I don't remember when I bought it (I don't use it often), but I just phoned
them & they said that their recipe has not changed.

I have no affiliation with Marin Ceramic Supply.

Sacramento, CA