Kurt L. Wild on tue 3 jun 97
Thanks to all who responded to my post about my web site. On my firts
and previous few postings to Clayart I thought my web site address was
appearing as part of my signature. Responses from some of you out there
suggested it was not. That has been rectified as you can see below. I
now INVITE all Clayarters to VISIT my site. My son actually a biologist,
designed and put the page together for me. Both he and Iwould appreciate
any comments. Sincerrely - Kurt
Please be patient as I do not check email frequently or
Kurt Wild, River Falls, WI
web site: http://www.uwrf.edu/art/faculty/Wild
Kurt L. Wild on thu 5 jun 97
Kurt L. Wild wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Thanks to all who responded to my post about my web site. On my firts
> and previous few postings to Clayart I thought my web site address was
> appearing as part of my signature. Responses from some of you out there
> suggested it was not. That has been rectified as you can see below. I
> now INVITE all Clayarters to VISIT my site. My son actually a biologist,
> designed and put the page together for me. Both he and Iwould appreciate
> any comments. Sincerrely - Kurt
> --
> ==============================================
> Please be patient as I do not check email frequently or
> regularly.
> Kurt Wild, River Falls, WI
> email:
> web site: http://www.uwrf.edu/art/faculty/Wild
> ******************************
PLEASE NOTE: If you have comments on my web site and have NOT yet
responded, if you do, please do so through email directly to me NOT
THROUGH CLAYART. The university maintains only a 14 day collection of
newsgroup messages and I will be gone beginning Saturday until at least
July 1st. My email, however, can build up and "keep" until I return.
Thanks and thanks to all who have responded already - the comments have
been signifcantly gratifying.
Please be patient as I do not check email frequently or
Kurt Wild, River Falls, WI
web site: http://www.uwrf.edu/art/faculty/Wild
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