Erin Hayes on wed 15 jan 97
Thanks to everyone who sent in ideas for wedgin wire. I got lots of
interesting responses. Everything from Shark pulling wire for fishermen to
harpsichord strings. You can't get much more eclectic than that, can you?
It sounds like the most likely material is unwound guitar and piano strings,
although tonight I had a note about a hobby airplane product called"Piano
Wire." Don't know if they're selling the real McCoy or something with the
At any rate, I really appreciate all the help. I'm going to find some
musicians and beg for some strings...
:-) Erin.
Gavin Stairs on thu 16 jan 97
>It sounds like the most likely material is unwound guitar and piano strings,
>although tonight I had a note about a hobby airplane product called"Piano
>Wire." Don't know if they're selling the real McCoy or something with the
Not to belabor the point, but piano wire or music wire is a sort of generic
term for hard steel wire. It is a standard industrial product, comes in a
vast array of thicknesses, and is available from many sources. Music
stores, hobby and craft stores, (some) hardware stores, industrial
suppliers, machine shops, etc., etc. The more you buy, the cheaper it gets,
but cost is not really the issue. It's all the same stuff: if you find a
source at reasonable cost, don't worry: it all came off the same giant roll
in some nameless mill somewhere. If you really want stainless wire, it too
is available, but somewhat less ubiquitous, and somewhat pricier. Ditto
bronze or brass or... I plunk for plain old music wire, maybe around 20
thou, maybe.
Bye, Gavin
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