Emily Pearlman on wed 20 aug 97
Mel and All:
When visiting my son, who lives in Cyprus, he took me to see a potter who
makes large (waist high) storage jars. At first she wouldnt show me her
big pots, but only the "pseudo"pots she made for the tourist trade. But
after she discovered that my fire was hotter than hers, she decided I was a
real potter and showed me her "real pots". Beautiful! She started them on
her "wheel", a small flat stone on top of a rounded one that she turned
with her knee,while sitting on the ground. She threw a small base and when
it set up handbuilt the rest by adding fat coils and worked them in by
hand. She fired them in a simple kiln out back with a variey of fuels, if I
understood correctly. But I was the real potter because my fire was
hotter, me with my electric kiln and wheel, kiln sitter etc etc.
Emily Pearlman-Pottery (clayfeat@echonyc.com)
(in NYC)
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