Taylor Hendrix on sat 31 mar 07
Hey Clayarter buddies,
I have made the aquaintance of Rockport Center of the Arts Director of
Education and I mentioned that I have several suggestions for workshop
presenters. She said gimmie whatca got. I started doing web searches
then realized that I shouldn't have to do all the work around here.
If you are interested in adding a stop to your sechedule and you have
a link to your info or information materials, send it to me OFFLIST
por favor. I will be very happy to put a plug in for you. Those of you
not residing in North America don't be shy either! There is always a
possibility of adding a side trip (pre or post) to your NCECA visit.
(If Mohammed can't make it to the mountain, Mohammed has to convince
the mountain to put on a local workshop.)
Taylor, in Rockport TX
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