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part-time ceramic studio coordinator

updated sat 14 apr 07


John Neely on thu 12 apr 07

I'd like to ask your help in spreading the word about a Ceramics
Studio Coordinator position that is open at Utah State University.

Responsibilities include studio maintenance, repair and construction
of kilns and other equipment, and inventory management for all
ceramic raw materials. The Studio Coordinator hires and supervises
work study employees and will teach one class on a technical subject
such as kiln building, glaze formulation, mold making, etc. each fall
and spring semester.

Among other things, the position requires an MFA in ceramics,
thorough knowledge of all ceramic processes, proven kiln building
skills, and the physical ability to lift 100 lb sacks of materials.
Demonstrable expertise in wood firing is also desirable.

See for full
job description and to apply online. AA/EOE

John Neely, Head
Department of Art
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322-4000