Lois Ruben Aronow on thu 26 apr 07
A friend of mine told me he was going to throw a tea set, bisque it, and
give it to whoever was in charge of his stuff upon his demise. He wanted
his ashes to be mixed into glaze, and the glaze used on the tea set - and
that his closest friends have a tea party in his honor using the finished
Cool and creepy. I had thought about making some pots, saving them, and
having them put in cremation oven with me. They would be bisqued, and I
would have some lovely company. Then I decided I wanted a Viking funeral.
> I actually think that it would be pretty cool to have my
> ashes made into a
> glaze. I could be on the outside of the urn instead of in
> it. LOL. Of
> course you wouldn't want to just go around randomly
> collecting people bones to do that, you'd want to have their
> permission.
> Leigh
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> http://www.aol.com.
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> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your
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> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
> melpots@pclink.com.
pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on fri 27 apr 07
Hi Lois, all...
Urban Vikings may elect to use larger SUVs or Motor-Homes...older ones
usually, which can be got 'reasonable', or, whatever ones which may be just
rented for the day, or 'borrowed'.
You can see the Smoke...for miles...
l v
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lois Ruben Aronow"
> They put your corpse on a boat (presumably yours, as you are a Viking),
> set
> you aflame, and float you out to sea. At sunset. Very dramatic.
>> What's a Viking funeral? Do tell!!
> ..lo
Maurice Weitman on fri 27 apr 07
At 19:35 -0400 on 4/27/07, Lois Ruben Aronow wrote:
>They put your corpse on a boat (presumably yours, as you are a Viking), set
>you aflame, and float you out to sea. At sunset. Very dramatic.
Lois, have you chosen the Viking funeral because of your tattoo?
For those of near-Jewish persuasion (without tattoos): perhaps you'd
be more interested in the Jewish Viking Funeral in which they set
fire to a likeness of the deceased sculpted from chopped liver (from
free-range Perdue converts).
Make pots, not war.
Lesley Anton on fri 27 apr 07
What's a viking funeral? Do tell!!
On Apr 26, 2007, at 3:26 PM, Lois Ruben Aronow wrote:
> A friend of mine told me he was going to throw a tea set, bisque
> it, and
> give it to whoever was in charge of his stuff upon his demise. He
> wanted
> his ashes to be mixed into glaze, and the glaze used on the tea set
> - and
> that his closest friends have a tea party in his honor using the
> finished
> set.
> Cool and creepy. I had thought about making some pots, saving
> them, and
> having them put in cremation oven with me. They would be bisqued,
> and I
> would have some lovely company. Then I decided I wanted a Viking
> funeral.
>> I actually think that it would be pretty cool to have my
>> ashes made into a
>> glaze. I could be on the outside of the urn instead of in
>> it. LOL. Of
>> course you wouldn't want to just go around randomly
>> collecting people bones to do that, you'd want to have their
>> permission.
>> Leigh
>> ************************************** See what's free at
>> http://www.aol.com.
>> ______________________________________________________________
>> ________________
>> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
>> You may look at the archives for the list or change your
>> subscription settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
>> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
>> melpots@pclink.com.
> ______________________________________________________________________
> ________
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
> melpots@pclink.com.
Lois Ruben Aronow on fri 27 apr 07
They put your corpse on a boat (presumably yours, as you are a Viking), set
you aflame, and float you out to sea. At sunset. Very dramatic.
> What's a Viking funeral? Do tell!!
Jeanette Harris on fri 27 apr 07
>They put your corpse on a boat (presumably yours, as you are a Viking), set
>you aflame, and float you out to sea. At sunset. Very dramatic.
> > What's a Viking funeral? Do tell!!
Yeah, but not always a flaming boat.
"they shouldered him out to the sea's flood,
the chief they revered who had long ruled them.
A ring-whorled prow rode in the harbor,
ice-clad, outbound, a craft for a prince.
They stretch their beloved lord in his boat,
laid out by the mast, amidships,
the great ring-giver. Far-fetched treasures
were piled upon him, and precious gear.
I never heard before of a ship so well furbished
with battle tackle, bladed weapons
and coats of mail. The massed treasure
was loaded on top of him: it would travel far
on out into the ocean's sway.
They decked his body no less bountifully
with offerings than those first ones did
who cast him away when he was a child
and launched him alone out over the waves.
And set a gold standard up
high above his head and let him drift
to wind and tide, bewailing him
and mourning their loss."
translated by Seamus Heaney
Jeanette in Poulsbo WA
better known as "Viking Central"
Jeanette Harris
Poulsbo WA
Lois Ruben Aronow on sat 28 apr 07
Oh....Beowulf. I was absent that day.....
Although I am now a curious enough adult to re-read it.
claystevslat on sat 28 apr 07
Uh, Lo? You left out the part where a chick with
blond braids and a helmet with horns on it stands
on the dock waving a spear in the air singing at
the top of her lungs while the ship drifts out to
sea (the best part of all!)
Water ... fire ... a chick in a helmet .... now
THAT'S a sendoff.
-- Steve S
--- In clayart@yahoogroups.com, Lois Ruben Aronow wrote:
> They put your corpse on a boat (presumably yours, as you are a
Viking), set
> you aflame, and float you out to sea. At sunset. Very dramatic.
Lois Ruben Aronow on sat 28 apr 07
How could I forget the Fat Lady?!?!?!?
I know there are people on this list who know me fairly well in "real life".
They will all attest to the notion that, in my life, the Fat lady will be
played by Harvey Fierstein, wearing his best dress and bunny slippers. He
will be singing "Is that all there is?" by Miss Peggy Lee.
Thank you all for helping me plan my funeral. Now I can't ever die, because
it sounds so fun, I want to go to it.
"let's bring out the booze and have a ball - if that's all there is"
Lois Aronow Ceramics
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of
> claystevslat
> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 1:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Now we're gertting grim: was: Homemade Bone Ash
> Uh, Lo? You left out the part where a chick with blond
> braids and a helmet with horns on it stands on the dock
> waving a spear in the air singing at the top of her lungs
> while the ship drifts out to sea (the best part of all!)
> Water ... fire ... a chick in a helmet .... now THAT'S a sendoff.
> -- Steve S
> --- In clayart@yahoogroups.com, Lois Ruben Aronow wrote:
> >
> > They put your corpse on a boat (presumably yours, as you are a
> Viking), set
> > you aflame, and float you out to sea. At sunset. Very dramatic.
> >
> ______________________________________________________________
> ________________
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your
> subscription settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
> melpots@pclink.com.
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