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kiln sitter????

updated sun 29 apr 07


Rogier Donker on sat 28 apr 07

If that Kiln Sitter Tube Assembly (KSTA!) is 35 years old it is
probably burnt up...
Being inside the firing chamber the KSTA literally burns up ,in time.
Check the diameter of the cone rod (on the inside) if it is half the
size or ,(worse, pointed), then the original diameter (compare the
front, outside end... where the claw is.) it is in definite need of
replacement. No amount of polishing ends(totally unnecessary) or
adjusting will cause it to work properly... Like Arnold said... use
witness cones, adjust pyrometer( little screw, center ,below the
scale, + or - 100 degrees or so) and kiln sitter accordingly. Until
you have properly adjusted all components USE WITNESS CONES!!!
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