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eric's new email address

updated sat 5 may 07


Traditions Mexico on fri 4 may 07

Dear friends of Eric and Rachel,

We are writing to inform you that the new face of Traditions Mexico =20=

that Kirsten, my wife, and I are helping to create, involves an email =20=

address that is devoted only to Traditions Mexico business. You have =20
known this as

Eric has set up a new email address which is

Help Eric by sending him an email so that your address will easily =20
transfer to his new account. Please use this when you want to contact =20=

Eric for any reason other that Traditions Mexico business.

And for the record, Rachel's personal email address is =20

We appreciate your attention to this little detail as we are trying =20
to separate their personal and business lives!

Be well all,
Joshua =93Lefty=94 Sage
Right Hand Man