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angela fina glaze workshop, rochester, ny area

updated fri 11 may 07


Eric Serritella on thu 10 may 07

The Rochester Folk Art Guild Pottery presents:

A Workshop with Angela Fina

Getting the Glaze You Want:

Problems and Solutions


"I have been studying

glaze formulation for

my entire career and

love to share what I

have learned. After

covering the basics, my

approach is very

adaptive and depends a

lot on the questions

and problems the

students bring with

them. Each participant

will be asked to bring

their most problematic

glaze and we will

work on it together."

-Angela Fina


June 15-17, 2007

Rochester Folk Art Guild Pottery, Middlesex, NY

Friday 7:30 p.m. Slide Lecture & Gallery Viewing

Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (lunch available for $7.50)

Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (lunch available for $7.50)

Fee: $150


For information and registration call

585-554-5463 or e-mail

+ $20 materials, firings, etc.



Supported in part with public funds from the New York State

Council on the Arts Decentralization Program, which is

administered locally by Finger Lakes Arts Grants & Services


Muddy Paws Pottery
528 Sebring Road
Newfield, NY 14867