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shakerag workshops, sewanee tn, june 2007

updated tue 15 may 07


Claire Reishman on mon 14 may 07

We still have a few openings in three of our clay classes in Shak=
erag Workshops this June. During our first session (June 10-16)=20=
Eva Kwong will explore forms in her handbuilding class ("The Natu=
ral Object"). In the second session (June 17-23) Silvie Granatel=
li will focus on dinnerware ("Pottery Through the Culture of Food=
"), and Mary Kay Botkins will teach the art of soft slab work ("F=
olded Forms with Lids"). Shakerag Workshops is located in a rura=
l area in Sewanee, Tennessee, with a beautiful stream-fed swimmin=
g lake on the campus; we emphasize delicious meals and a relaxed=20=
working atmosphere (studios are open through the night). At ths=20=
point housing is limited to double rooms. For more information g=
o to our website ( or contact Claire Reishman (9=
31-968-0210 ext 3135).

Claire D. Reishman
Director, Shakerag Workshops
St. Andrew's-Sewanee
290 Quintard Road
Sewanee, Tennessee 37375
931-968-0210, Extension 3165

Studio Intensives, 2007:

June 10-16: Nikolai Cornell ("Designing Interactive Installations=
"), Chad Alice Hagen ("Resist Shaped Fine Wool Scarves"), Eva Kwo=
ng ("The Natural Object" - clay), Pete Pinnell ("The Pouring Vess=
el as Personal Expression"), Joan Schulze ("The Illuminated Quilt=
"), Dolph Smith ("Books On The Move"), Jeanne Brady and Tim Hintz=
(Artist's Life Speakers June 13)

June 17-23: Mary Kay Botkins ("Folded Forms with Lids" - clay), S=
ilvie Granatelli ("Pottery Through the Culture of Food"), Ana Lis=
a Hedstrom ("A Passion for Patterns"), Pat Mink (digital arts), A=
ndy Saftel (mixed media), Carol Stangler ("The New Bamboo"), Paul=
us Berensohn (Artist's Life Speaker June 20)