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workshop in northern california

updated thu 31 jul 97


Rick Sherman on sat 26 jul 97

I was requested by James Wayne at San Jose City College to let our
Clayart members know that Takeshi Suzuki present a workshop on
Saturday, November 1 for 9 AM to 4 PM. Mr. Suzuki is a 62 year
traditional folk potter from the village of Mashiko, home of Hamada.
He was assistant to Mahamda and did much of the brush-work decoration
for him. He is also recognized for his development of the
proze-winning surface decoratioin referred to as "Mushikui" which
involves developing deep natural textures.
The workshop will be held in the ceramic studio at San Jose City
College, 2100 Moorepark Ave. San Jose, California. Fees: $10 for
students and $20 general. Early registration recommended due to
limited space. For information, call Jim Wayne at: (408) 662-2535 ro
(408) 298-2181, ext 3816.
Mr Suzuki's work will also be included in a group show, "East meets
West" at Iwasaw Oriental Arts, 75 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA.
Other artists in the show are: Chuck Hinds (USA), Koie Ryoji
(revolutioary artist from Japan) Malcolm Wright (Vermont), Takashi
Nakazato (son of National Treasure Karatsu), Makokto Yabe (Neriage
style), Toshio Ohi (11th generation Rakyuyaki style, Richard Milgrim
(Kyoto), Bruce Capenter (Arizona), and Jim Wayne, (San Jose).