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workshop offerings in northwest washington

updated fri 28 feb 97


Michael McDowell on fri 31 jan 97

A fellow potter & gallery owner is considering sponsoring some workshops in
Bellingham, WA. She has asked that I query the Clayart list for information
regarding who is offering to give workshops and would be available in this area.
I would be happy to forward any information & can be e-mailed directly at She is interested in finding out who is available,
What the focus of the workshop would be, what kind of facilities would be
appropriate, and of course the cost.

Michael McDowell
Whatcom County, WA USA on sat 1 feb 97

Your situation sums up perfectly why the Studio Potter Network and I have
started the Workshop Leaders Resource File, and the Workshop Host Site File.
You have a place and want to offer some workshops, but you don't know who's
We're just starting to collect listings in both files, which will eventually
be databases you can access by subject, area, price, and a number of other
If anyone would like an application for either the Workshop Leaders File, or
if they are a school or potters group, the Workshop Host Site File, write to
me: Paul Lewing, 4315 Burke Ave. N, Seattle, WA, 98103.
And, Michael, I'd be glad to send you what few we have already in your area
if you like.
Paul Lewing, Seattle

Karen Gringhuis on wed 5 feb 97

Michael -
Respectfully suggest your workshop planning friend consider
Stephen Mickey at Mt. Hood Comm. College WA state somewhere. Also
Diane Douglas - a very heavy breather museum director/critic/
cobweb clearing thinker - and all around great person - museum dir.
in Bellevue WA I think. If I'm wrong, let me know & I can maybe
dig up an address. Or try Regina Brown Bandon OR - Diane used
to be t bang-up program chair for NCECA. Mickey is one of the best
potters going - very deserving of a wider audience. Karen Gringhuis