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grog source - grits for birds

updated tue 29 may 07


pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on mon 28 may 07

Hi Deg, all...

Quite so...

Birds, ( Theropods ) as we may recall, masticate their food by use of their
Gizzards, for which they typically eat suitably small Stones which remain
there ( till ground away, ) to aid the Gizzard in the process.

'Grit' is usually provided for those Birds who are not free-roving to find
their own.

These commercial Grits may be crushed Oyster Shell, Granite, fine Quartz
Sand ( for very small Birds), crushed Brick, or be Calcium enriched versions
of the latter ones. The Calcium based or Calcium enriched Grits are for
providing Calcium to the Birds so they shall not deplete their Bones for Egg
Shell produciton, or, less so, to make up for dietary lack generally.

The Calcium based or Calcium enriched versions may make problems if used as

l v

----- Original Message -----
From: "dewitt"

> On 5/27/07, Charles Hazelaar wrote:
>> I just heard about a grog source from "T" Robert of Axner. She
>> suggested,
>> in addition to the Grog that they sell, CHICKEN GRIT. This is from a
>> feed
>> supply store.
>> You all know what CHICKEN GRIT is -- don't you?
>> Charles Hazelaar
> Well, it depends. In some places, it can be course sharp sand.
> Often, it is crushed granite. And, while it probably should not be
> referred to as chicken grit, crushed oyster shell is often referred to
> as grit. While sharp sand could be used as a grog substitue, crushed
> granite or oyster shell likely wouldn't work out well.
> deg