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tony c. italy workshop... omg!!!!!!

updated wed 30 may 07


Logan Johnson on tue 29 may 07

Hi Gang,
My sleep cycle is still screwed up but I just had to rave about the recent Tony Clennell workshop at an amazing place called La Meridiana. If anyone ever has a chance (even if you have to make the opportunity) GO !!! Several people on the list give workshops there. The facility & the people that make it work as smoothly as it does ( Pietro, Claudia & all the others) are the warmest, kindest most helpful folks you can possibly imagine. The gang that attended my workshop will always be friends even if we never see each other in person again. I could go on for days about the Tuscan country side, food & people. The whole trip was just a dream come true. I would love to go on talking about how great Tony was as a teacher& a friend but I don't want to sound like the biggest brown-nose that ever walked the face of the planet. Tony went above & beyond the call to make the workshop a learning experience so much more than just listening to him talk about his
views of clay while we took notes. Check out the La Meridianna web site:
Trust me , it's even better than it looks online ! If anyone wants to see the pics
I took on my trip just let me know but I do feel the need to tell you there are quite a few.
Boy it's great to be back in the land of ice in the drinks !
C-Ya !

Logan Johnson
Yakima Valley Pottery & Supply
719 w. Nob Hill blvd.
Yakima Wa. 98902
(509) 469-6966

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tony clennell on tue 29 may 07

Dear Loganator: I like brown pots and brown noses.
thanx for the compliments. I like to go on about
ENERGY and that is what happens with some groups. the
teacher just throws a firecracker into their midst and
then runs for cover. You guys had that energy that
allowed me to ignite you. I chickened out in the wood
firing and glazed all my stuff with the ash green.
Loganator went with shino and probably got the best
teapot of her potting life. A big Texan sized bugger
which in the final wrap up I told her the foot needed
to be stronger. She didn't hear me though cause she
was so high she smoked a pack of ciggies and and drank
a 6 pack of coke. Hey to have a voice like Loganators
ya got to work on it!
Everyone in that group made better pots than when they
arrived and that includes the fearless leader.
Thanx for the pics ya sent me. Why do always look so

--- Logan Johnson wrote:

> Hi Gang,
> My sleep cycle is still screwed up but I just had
> to rave about the recent Tony Clennell workshop at
> an amazing place called La Meridiana. If anyone
> ever has a chance (even if you have to make the
> opportunity) GO !!! Several people on the list
> give workshops there. The facility & the people
> that make it work as smoothly as it does ( Pietro,
> Claudia & all the others) are the warmest, kindest
> most helpful folks you can possibly imagine. The
> gang that attended my workshop will always be
> friends even if we never see each other in person
> again. I could go on for days about the Tuscan
> country side, food & people. The whole trip was
> just a dream come true. I would love to go on
> talking about how great Tony was as a teacher& a
> friend but I don't want to sound like the biggest
> brown-nose that ever walked the face of the planet.
> Tony went above & beyond the call to make the
> workshop a learning experience so much more than
> just listening to him talk about his
> views of clay while we took notes. Check out the
> La Meridianna web site:
> Trust me , it's even better than it looks online !
> If anyone wants to see the pics
> I took on my trip just let me know but I do feel
> the need to tell you there are quite a few.
> Boy it's great to be back in the land of ice in the
> drinks !
> C-Ya !
> Logan
> Logan Johnson
> Yakima Valley Pottery & Supply
> 719 w. Nob Hill blvd.
> Yakima Wa. 98902
> (509) 469-6966
> ---------------------------------
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