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soaking a high boron glaze to correct for blisters

updated sat 2 jun 07


Jonathan Kirkendall on sat 2 jun 07

Hello All,

It's been a while since I've posted. The significant other shattered
his right leg in a ice skating accident in February, and it's been a
long, time consuming recovery! But the cast came off this week, and
he's moving from crutches to a cane - it's looking good!

Recently I tested two new cone 6 oxidation glazes rather high in boron
(through frit 3134). One is an ash glaze, the other a matt glaze. I'm
getting blistering and bubbling in the glaze (phase separation in the
glass formation I believe is what it's called), and in doing research
and looking through the archives, it was suggested that to correct for
this in high boron glazes, let the temp fall a few degrees below the
peak temperature before started the soak as opposed to soaking at peak

How much is a few degrees? I usually fire to cone 6 at 2185 F and soak
there before a controlled drop; should I let it drop 5 degrees, or more?

Jonathan in DC