Michael McDowell on mon 25 jun 07
July 23rd thru 27th
Greetings to all,
There are still two openings in Vince's "Handbuilding: Tricks of the Trade",
a weeklong, hands on workshop at my home/studio just outside Ferndale, WA.
Dates are Monday, July 23rd thru Friday, July 27th. Workshop fee is $300
plus clay, but the $300 will be cut to $150 for a person willing to
contribute no more than a couple of hours work each day helping to put meals
together. Vince is very good about seeing that this helper misses none of
his presentation, and the studio is open all hours so there's still plenty
of time for clay projects.
See my website for full details:
Michael McDowell
Whatcom County, WA, USA
Felicity Rich on mon 25 jun 07
July 23rd thru 27th
Hi Michael,
My name is Felicity Rich. I am very interested in attending Vince's workshop and
would be interested in helping to prepare food to offset my expenses however
there are a handful of items that I need to arrange before I could commit. My
husband is going to China that week and I would need someone to care for my
children, etc...
I attended the colored clay workshop in Ouray and think Vince is a magnificent
I should have more inforation by the end of the week and will email again unless
I hear the workshop is filled...
Quoting Michael McDowell :
> Greetings to all,
> There are still two openings in Vince's "Handbuilding: Tricks of the Trade",
> a weeklong, hands on workshop at my home/studio just outside Ferndale, WA.
> Dates are Monday, July 23rd thru Friday, July 27th. Workshop fee is $300
> plus clay, but the $300 will be cut to $150 for a person willing to
> contribute no more than a couple of hours work each day helping to put meals
> together. Vince is very good about seeing that this helper misses none of
> his presentation, and the studio is open all hours so there's still plenty
> of time for clay projects.
> See my website for full details:
> http://www.McDowellPottery.com/workshops.htm
> Michael McDowell
> Whatcom County, WA, USA
> michael@mcdowellpottery.com
> http://www.McDowellPottery.com
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
> melpots@pclink.com.
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