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lee's trimming advice-using clay lugs

updated sun 8 jul 07


Peter Coates on sat 7 jul 07

Hello Deb and Others

I trim using many different methods, I can do them all, but i like to
use clay lugs the most depending on the form. So in response to Debs
request on how to use clay lugs with out distorting the rim here is
my advice. As soon as the pots are stiff enough to flip over without
hurting the rim I flip them over to dry upside down. A note here, the
pots at this point are very still very soft. When the bottoms firms
up a bit then you are ready to trim. At this point the rim is still
soft, as you are trying to trim when the clay is softer. After the
pot is centered on the wheel, take you clay lugs and roll them into a
slight coil. Lay the clay lugs down next to the pot on the wheel
head. When you go to press the clay lugs down either press straight
down to the wheel head or down and slightly toward the outer edge of
the wheel head. You don't want to press the clay toward the pot its
self. The pots don't don't require a whole lot of contact with the
clay lug to stay put. If you are still having trouble try to push on
only the outer half of the the clay lug. You can experiment with
different stiffness of clay lugs. the softer the pot the softer the
clay lug. I keep some stiff clay just for clay lugs, then dip them in
water when I am done with them and return the clay lugs to their
storage bag. One other thing, I like to use four clay lugs placing
the lugs down on opposite sides of the pot at the same time, either
three or four will work try both and use what you like. Contrary to
what is sometimes stated here on ClayArt, there is more then one road
to get to the same location.

Oklahoma City

On Jul 2, 2007, at 8:29 AM, Deborah Thuman wrote:

> Part of the reason I wait too long to trim is because I know I have to
> stick that piece to the wheel. I know how to stick a hard piece to the
> wheel - three lumps of soft clay, get the piece as centered as
> possible, then press down on the lumps of clay.
> How do you stick a soft piece to the wheel without messing up the soft
> piece?
> BTW, I love the idea of not letting the pieces get too precious.
> Deb
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