sacredclay on wed 11 jul 07
How many of you dilute your wax resist that you buy at the clay store
with water to extend the quanity amount? I've never had a problem with
it, but am amazed at how much my students who have been doing clay for
quite a few years didn't know about it. Kathryn in NC
Victoria E. Hamilton on wed 11 jul 07
I dilute my wax resist because it's very thick out of the jar. So, I get to
extend the quantity as well!
Vicki Hamilton
Millennia Antica Pottery
Seattle, WA where it's over 100 degrees F today - 90 in the studio!
-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of sacredclay
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:16 PM
Subject: [CLAYART] diluting wax resist
How many of you dilute your wax resist that you buy at the clay store with
water to extend the quanity amount? I've never had a problem with it, but am
amazed at how much my students who have been doing clay for quite a few
years didn't know about it. Kathryn in NC
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lela martens on wed 11 jul 07
>How many of you dilute your wax resist that you buy at the clay store
>with water to extend the quanity amount?
I do.
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Neal on wed 11 jul 07
I use small pieces of sponge to apply wax resist
to my pots. I wet the piece of sponge and squeeze
the excess water into a bit of wax to thin it. I'm
guessing the ratio is about 3:1 wax to water,
maybe sometimes 2:1.
I try to work it out so that I use up the wax I
pour out and don't have any leftover to pour back
into the bottle. That way, the wax in the bottle
stays the same.
Neal O'Briant
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Maid O'Mud on wed 11 jul 07
I always dilute because I find the application easier.
Sam Cuttell
Maid O'Mud Pottery
RR 1
Melbourne, Ontario
N0L 1T0
"First, the clay told me what to do.
Then, I told the clay what to do.
Now, we co-operate."
sam 1994
-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of sacredclay
How many of you dilute your wax resist that you buy at the clay store with
water to extend the quanity amount? I've never had a problem with it, but am
amazed at how much my students who have been doing clay for quite a few
years didn't know about it. Kathryn in NC
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Anne Doyle on thu 12 jul 07
I just this week found that the wax resist i had tried and disliked
vehemently in the beginning works really well if diluted =BD & =BD with wate=
Instead of a 2hr dry time it took 10 minutes and the application was
heavenly. I applied it with a sponge brush, 1" wide.
I put the extra in a small mason jar and will continue with this method as
it was really a lot smoother and easier to apply. No drips. Used it with
my GG on the wheel for the bowls... Lots easier too than the hot wax i've
been using.
After glazing it was easier to clean up as well as there weren't the
little bumps of wax resist all over the bottoms to trap glaze.
Anne, in Saint-Sauveur
Marcia Selsor on thu 12 jul 07
>> How many of you dilute your wax resist that you buy at the clay store
>> with water to extend the quanity amount?
> I dilute both rubber latex as well as liquid wax for easier
> applications
Marcia Selsor
Russel Fouts on fri 13 jul 07
For those of you diluting your cold wax resist, how much are you diluting it?
I've been told that my problems with my resist stem fact that it's
too thick and that I should thin it. It already seems pretty thin to
me, like skimmed milk.
I haven't had a chance to try this yet. Due to moving house, illness,
travel and several ongoing projects. I haven't been back in the
studio since I came back from Italy. And I probably won't until early August.
In Brussels, where we're having November in July because we already
had July in April. ;-)
Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 223 02 75
Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75
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