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yellow cone9 glaze

updated thu 31 oct 96


Jennifer Rhinesmith on tue 22 oct 96

To everyone out there, I am looking for a cone 9-10 yellow glaze for
reduction firing. I would really like one that is dependable, if anyone
has such a recipe would you please pass it along. Thank You Jennifer
Rhinesmith Alpine, TX.

Don Curtis on wed 23 oct 96

Here's a Yellow-Orange Matt C9-10R that I've had good results with. Works
well with oxides.
Custer Spar 50
Kaolin 20
Dolomite 16
Whiting 8
Wallastonite 6

Red Iron Oxide 1%
Rutile 1.5%
Bone Ash 8%
Tin Oxide 5%

Good luck

Don @ Mudpie Pottery