debby schwartz on thu 12 jul 07
After attending a mold making course over 3 years ago, and not being =
successful at creating a decent mold, I finally purchased=20
my first mold and the slip to pour into it.
I have the straps to bind the two halves together.
Do I need to prepare the mold in any way so that I can successfully =
the finished piece when it is dry?
Was there a powder or soap to dust on the inside or was that =
for making a mold around an item?
Any tips for success would be appreciated!
John Rodgers on fri 13 jul 07
Fredrick Paget has posted a good summary for you to follow. I would only
add that you really need to know how to accurately adjust your slip for
density and viscosity.
Viscosity - New Mexico Clay has an excellent viscosity cup that costs
around $5.00 and is the easiest to use that I have found on the
market. Excellent for adjusting glaze as well. The catalog number is
TL497 Viscosity Cup.
If you are using anything else, park it. This visicosity cup is so easy
to use it's embarassing.
Density. = Go to the Laguna website. Look around and you will find a PDF
that you can download that tells you everything you would ever want to
know about adjusting the density of your slip. Virtually all slip works
best somewhere between a density of 1.75 and 1.85.
Always adjust your desnsity first, then your viscosity. If after
adjusting the density, the viscosity is slow, you will need to add some
sodium silicate. never add it straight from the bottle. Mix 50-50 with
water, then add. Lugauna tells all.
If you have questions feel free to e-mail me.
John Rodgers
Chelsea, AL
debby schwartz wrote:
> After attending a mold making course over 3 years ago, and not being successful at creating a decent mold, I finally purchased
> my first mold and the slip to pour into it.
> I have the straps to bind the two halves together.
> Do I need to prepare the mold in any way so that I can successfully remove
> the finished piece when it is dry?
> Was there a powder or soap to dust on the inside or was that specifically
> for making a mold around an item?
> Any tips for success would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Debby
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