Nancy Guido on tue 17 jul 07
I see you've gotten quite a few good responses.
However, I've used masking tape that is as thin as 1/16". It is used on model cars. It is made by Pactra. I don't know how soon you need this, but I found it on the internet. I put the tape on and then remove it when my glaze is dry. It leaves a clean line.
nancy g.
John Connolly on thu 19 jul 07
"Posted by: "Nancy Guido" nguido0821@COMCAST.NET Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:42 pm (PST) I see you've gotten quite a few good responses.
However, I've used masking tape that is as thin as 1/16". It is used on model cars. It is made by Pactra. I don't know how soon you need this, but I found it on the internet. I put the tape on and then remove it when my glaze is dry. It leaves a clean line."
Nancy, this tape sounds interesting. I've almost given up finding one that works (adheres to bone dry work). I must have 40 roles of various tapes with only a small portion used. Every time I go to Home Depot I buy another type.
John Connolly in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
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