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handbuilding workshop

updated mon 30 jul 07


Vince Pitelka on sat 28 jul 07

Dear Clayarters -
Please forgive me for using the list for something so self-serving, but I
am scheduled to do my "Handbuilding: Tricks of the Trade" workshop at Lan=
Community College in Eugene, OR in a little over a week, and they have no=
done much publicity. If anyone in that part of the country is interested
in taking this workshop and has a flexible schedule, the workshop runs
from Tuesday, August 7 through Saturday, August 11, and will end around
lunch time on Saturday. Each day it will run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.=20
For registration information contact Tom Rohr at or
541-463-5417. For more information about this workshop go to

Email me if any questions.
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft
Tennessee Technological University

Linda - Pacifica on sun 29 jul 07

I heartily recommend this class for anyone wanting to hone their
handbuilding skills. My skill level increased exponentially after
Vince's class in Mendocino a couple of years ago. And the class
attendees had great fun together. Jeez Vince, I might have to change
my schedule and make the drive up to Eugene. Let me see, are there
breweries in Eugene? It is a college town, no?

Linda Ferzoco
Pacifica, California
On Jul 28, 2007, at 6:36 PM, Vince Pitelka wrote:

> Dear Clayarters -
> Please forgive me for using the list for something so self-serving,
> but I
> am scheduled to do my "Handbuilding: Tricks of the Trade" workshop
> at Lane
> Community College in Eugene, OR in a little over a week, and they
> have not
> done much publicity. If anyone in that part of the country is
> interested
> in taking this workshop and has a flexible schedule, the workshop runs
> from Tuesday, August 7 through Saturday, August 11, and will end
> around
> lunch time on Saturday. Each day it will run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
> For registration information contact Tom Rohr at or
> 541-463-5417. For more information about this workshop go to
> Email me if any questions.
> - Vince
> --
> Vince Pitelka
> Appalachian Center for Craft
> Tennessee Technological University
> ______________________________________________________________________
> ________
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> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at

Vince Pitelka on sun 29 jul 07

Linda Ferzoco wrote:
> Jeez Vince, I might have to change
> my schedule and make the drive up to Eugene. Let me see, are there
> breweries in Eugene? It is a college town, no?

Linda -
Thanks for your very kind comments. Yes, Eugene is a college town, and i=
is one of the great small cities in the US. And yes, there are breweries=
Plus, the local markets have amazing assortments of craft brews. A few
weeks ago on my way north I bought a good supply there on my way over to
the Oregon Coast to go camping with my sister and family. It rained for
three days and we had a wonderful time.
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft
Tennessee Technological University