Eric Mindling on tue 31 jul 07
Dear Potters and clay junkies,=0A =0A=0A=0A=0AI invite you to travel with u=
s into the Mexican backcactus to dip your hands in=0Athe mud and get a tast=
e of the immense diversity in pottery that exists in=0Arural Mexico. We kno=
w the potters of this land better than anyone on the map.=0ABelow are our o=
fferings for this winter.=0A=0A=0A=0AEric Mindling/Head Honcho=0A=0ATRADITI=
ONS MEXICO Hands-On =0A=0AThe Oaxaca=
n Clay Workshop. Jan 26-Feb 3,=0A2008. Making pots the ancient Zapotec way=
. Hand build, clay prep,=0Aburnish, surface fire as well as cultural immers=
ion in Zapotec household.=0AVisits to other pottery villages, pre-Colombian=
ruins, tasty food.
=0AThe Potters of Michoacan. Feb 9-18th; Feb=0A23-March 3, 2008. An advent=
ure through the beautiful highlands of=0AMichoacan. Five-foot tall vases, s=
lip and burnish decoration, bizarre dreamlike=0Afigurative work, lead-free =
lowfire glaze work, colonial towns, markets,=0Aindigenous culture. http://t= =0A=0AThe Great Masters of To=
nala: Polychrome and Burnish. March 8-15, 2008. A goldmine town of nationa=
lly=0Arecognized master potters. Ornate surface decoration with oxide slips=
, mica=0Aburnish, low, mid and highfire glaze work. One-day hands-on slip/b=
urnish=0Aworkshop, visits with 8 master potters.
m/wr2_tonala-0607.htm=0A =0A=0AThe Mata Ortiz Pottery Workshop. March 29-Ap=
ril 6th. Based in Mata Ortiz, Chihuhua with Michael Wisner and=0AJorge Qui=
ntana. Hand building, low fire traditional firings, tool making,=0Acoiling,=
slip decoration, burnishing, kiln building, visits to village potters=0Aan=
d clay digs in the mountains around Mata Ortiz.
/wr2_mata-ortiz-0607.htm =0ATraditions Mexico Hands On Tours=0A Oaxaca, Me=
xico=0A =0A=0A=0A=
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