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emerald green glaze-sharing formulas

updated fri 17 aug 07


Sally Guger on thu 16 aug 07

Hello Jim and others, That's what I was thinking, I totally understand but figured it didn't hurt to ask! I think in sharing formulas, it all depends on the type of look those glazes produce. Your current glazes define your style- you don't need other professional potters trying to come up with the same thing. I have a stunning salmon color that was a known look of mine- combined with a deep black. The glaze tech. person at A.R.T. once wanted that formula and I didn't give it to him. On the other hand, Don Hunt let me have the cone 6 formulas he used at West High in Madison.

I hope this doesn't create dozens of emails debating the sharing of formulas or not!! I just don't think it's very much of a debate. I am in total agreement with your desire to keep yours to yourself!! Thanks again- that Emerald green is cooling in my kiln right now.

Jim Willett wrote:
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 21:44:34 -0700, Sally Guger

> If I had the formulas for Raven Wing, Mountain Mist, and Rose, I think
they would work nicely with the teal, cobalt, cream, gray, turquoise,
black,etc. that I already have. I fire at cone 5 or 6. Of course I would
never in any way try to copy your look. As I mentioned before, it is that
blended, textured look that my students have already grown to appreciate.
> Thanks for your input- Sally.......
We will respectfully decline to give those particular formulas away just
yet. There are some "tricks" there which we wish to keep to ourselves for
awhile.I suppose it could be likened a bit to the Home Ec teacher asking
Colonel Sanders for the secret recipe of herbs and spices for her class.
Just not comfortable doing that at this point.We appreciate your work and
what you are trying to do but just can't part with those glazes yet as we
are using them to make our living. We trust you wouldn't "copy" us but we
already have potters in this part of the world that have tried their best
to duplicate what we are doing and we just want to sit on the glaze
formulas and techniques awhile longer.They represent all the work Cindy
and I have done since we got together 8 years ago. Maybe we should write a
book. Anyway we hope you will understand. Does any one else on the list
have some input on sharing "special" glazes? Are we being unreasonable?

Jim and Cindy
Out of the Fire Studio

Sally Guger
Lakespur Blue Pottery & Sculpture
Lodi, Wisconsin, USA

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