Taylor Hendrix on fri 17 aug 07
Russel has inspired me, Marci has inspired me, Tony has inspired me.
And all of youse guys who've made suggestions too. Love the Ram's
Round 2 is on the pots blog. If anything survives the bisque, I'll be
sure to flickr it, doooooods.
Rock on!
Taylor, in Rockport TX
Marcia Selsor on sat 18 aug 07
Bill Daley inspired me. I am trying to get back to building some
large vessel forms for Raku made on tarpaper forms stuffed with
newspaper. This allows
seems to be somewhere other than stress points. Good idea for
stressful raku firings.Daley was my teacher in college. two years ago
I was his assistant at the Bray workshop in Helena. The guy is in his
80s and started us out with a yoga class before the clay work.
I made newspaper stuffing yesterday but today I finish making
hurricane shutters. Forecast for both of us is looking very scary. We
may not be raku firing next weekend. Plan today is batten down the
hatches, clear tables and stash tools into bins so debris cleaning
may be less difficult..maybe.
Stay safe.
Marcia Selsor
On Aug 17, 2007, at 11:08 PM, Taylor Hendrix wrote:
> Okay,
> Russel has inspired me, Marci has inspired me, Tony has inspired me.
> And all of youse guys who've made suggestions too. Love the Ram's
> Head.
> Round 2 is on the pots blog. If anything survives the bisque, I'll be
> sure to flickr it, doooooods.
> Rock on!
> --
> Taylor, in Rockport TX
> http://wirerabbit.blogspot.com
> http://wirerabbitpots.blogspot.com
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/wirerabbit/
> ______________________________________________________________________
> ________
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
> melpots@pclink.com.
Marcia Selsor
Helen Bates on sat 18 aug 07
This seems to be the url now for the Norfolk Museums in the UK:
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