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tony and china

updated sun 19 aug 07


mel jacobson on sat 18 aug 07

if you are going to china.
you had better be walking an hour a day before you
go. i worked a tread mill twenty minutes a day for a\month
before i left.
i should have done an hour. my legs were six inches shorter
when i got back.
and, stairs are often bigger or smaller than you are used to.
and, every doorway has a ledge to step over. think of luggage
over a curb every thirty seconds.
(helpful hint. i boiled tea water each morning in my hotel room.
used the boiled water to fill my plastic bottle. also, i took one
pepto/bismal tablet each morning. started three days before i
left. not one bit of pooo pooo problems over 5 weeks. got the
tip from a chinese internist.)

i also recommend a semi/big fanny pack. take all of your vitals with
you each day. passport, meds, water, towel, chap stick, camera/tp...and
keep it in on your front, not your back. under your shirt or coat. you will
look pregnant, but who cares?

a kid grabbed my camera from my pocket at a subway station. (200 pix on that
he was surprised as hell when that 70 year old high school teacher
snatched him by the neck..lifted him off the ground and got the camera
back. quick as an nfl linebacker. i actually spotted the little bastard
as trouble..but he got behind me. the string of the camera came out
of my pocket...he got a hold of it....not for long.
po said` my god you were quick`.


from: mel/

Clayart page link:

Logan Johnson on sat 18 aug 07

So help me Kiln Gods, I would have given my pugmill to be able to see that !!!

mel jacobson wrote:
>>a kid grabbed my camera from my pocket at a subway station. (200 pix on that
>>he was surprised as hell when that 70 year old high school teacher
>>snatched him by the neck..lifted him off the ground and got the camera
>>back. quick as an nfl linebacker. i actually spotted the little bastard
>>as trouble..but he got behind me. the string of the camera came out
>>of my pocket...he got a hold of it....not for long.

from: mel/

Clayart page link:

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Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at

Logan Johnson
Yakima Valley Pottery & Supply
719 w. Nob Hill blvd.
Yakima Wa. 98902
(509) 469-6966

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tony clennell on sat 18 aug 07

Mel wrote:
if you are going to china.
you had better be walking an hour a day before you
go. i worked a tread mill twenty minutes a day for a\month
before i left.
i should have done an hour. my legs were six inches shorter

when i got back.

Thanx Mel- I have been walking a mile and a half a day.Trying to keep the 15
lbs off I lost in Utah. I hope to do lots of walking and loose another 10.
I like the idea that perhaps this blogging thing and email is helping
language by letting people write more. I wish my late mum had e-mail so that
we could have communicated more. She wrote letters and I don't.
This past semester John had enrolled me in a course Critical Writing in Art
History. It was the hardest damn reading i ever did in my life. I averaged 8
pages an hour to try understand the content. We normally got over 100 pages
a week to read plus do a journal of what you had read. After about a month
of this I asked John why the hell he had put me thru this torture. He said
he thought it would make my writing more academic. I tried my best to write
in a academic way but it always came out sounding like me. After about six
weeks I got my essays back from the Prof. She has a Phd in Medieval History
and is sharp as a tack. Her comment on my paper was" Your writing in casual
and informal. You have your own voice! I enjoy reading your journals. Her
major paper that had been recently published was entitled "When Virgins
Misbehave". Now, doesn't that sound like my kind of woman? I went to John's
office to show him the Prof's remarks,. He smiled and said "Oh well, I
tried". he kenw along I'd hit it off with that prof.
Better the rudest work that tells a story or records a fact, than the
richest without meaning.
John Ruskin



WJ Seidl on sat 18 aug 07

The only difference between a letter and a blog is that a blog is
accessible to more people;
people who CHOOSE to read it, as opposed to those to whom you would send
a letter (or newsletter).
The same conventions apply. Never write anything you don't want seen,
check your spelling, etc.

But don't let Sheila catch you licking the screen to stick the stamp on .

The point is, if you are writing a blog, you are writing a letter. An
updated form perhaps, but a letter still.
Wayne Seidl
"why is there all this WhiteOut on the screen?"

tony clennell wrote:
> snip

> I wish my late mum had e-mail so that
> we could have communicated more. She wrote letters and I don't.
> snip
> cheers,
> Tony
> --