Gary Navarre on fri 17 aug 07
Hay Crew,
Even though I slept most of one of my days off some of my stoop labor got
done. I realized I needed another catenary arch template for the middle
of the chamber so I cut up some "one by" strips and screwed another one
together. I find this method cheep and useful since the form can be
easily removed without having to burn it out...
It's been a while since doing a video so to get the feel of almost being
here I did a bit of a walk about to see the Cedar spine of the arch forms
screwed in place. The wet towel seems to be working to soften the Cedar
and now the bucket is touching the floor. Have a look at...
The Dickinson Conservation District has a yearly contest for their
"Nature of Dickinson County" calender. A buddy of mine at work saw I am
camera crazed and reminded me about the contest he had gotten an award in
last year ($25 for the cover photo). Well it took some patience and a lot
of studying stuff I saw on this forum to finally come up with a few
photos that are pretty darn good in the judges opinion. I tried two years
ago with a neat landscape scanned from a print but didn't much know what
I was doing. This time things turned out different...
I guess I really am getting nuts with this too, I'm already thinking of
making a line of U.P. scenic t-shirts because you know what they say
"Ya... da U.P., eh". I just need a reliable print shop and some orders
and we have another made in Michigan product opportunity.
Stay in there eh!
G in da UP
Navarre Pottery
Navarre Enterprises
Norway, Michigan, USA
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