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clay carnival workshop in san jose, ca

updated thu 23 aug 07


Judy Lee on wed 22 aug 07

It is back=97the second annual Clay Carnival. Attend up to four workshops =
in one day. Pick and chose the workshops you want to attend and pay the low=
price of $30 for one or for all four. The Clay Carnival workshop will be h=
eld at Clay Planet on the 15th of September. There will be three to four si=
multaneous clay sessions at any one time. Most of the demonstrations are re=
peated, allowing you not to miss a clay session while attending another. Th=
e topics were chosen, based on the results of the OVCAG members survey. Ple=
ase bring a brown bag lunch if you plan on being there for the day. We'll p=
rovide morning snacks, coffee, tea and water. =0A=0ACopy and paste this lin=
k to go to the website to sign up.
07_09_SEP_15/index.html =0ASESSION DESCRIPTIONS:=0A=0AChinese Brush Work fo=
r Potters * Jill Getzan=0AJill Getzan, who studied Chinese Brush Painting i=
n Hong Kong, will demonstrate various Chinese brush painting techniques, an=
d the participants will practice with brush and ink on paper. The goal of t=
his entirely hands-on session is to help clay artists gain confidence paint=
ing on their clay art and eventually learning to treat their pottery surfac=
e as a canvas. =0A=0AThrowing and Altering Big Pots * Joyce Clark-Binen=0AS=
o now you can throw well, but want to expand your line. Here is an excellen=
t example of the wide variety of alterations you can make to your pieces to=
add interest and uniqueness. See how the shape enhances the results during=
firing (especially pit firing) to show movement and the flare of the fire.=
=0A=0AGalleries, Co-Ops, Online Sales: What's Next? * Jan Schachter & Jane=
t Bajorek=0ABeyond the street fairs, Guild sales and Coffee Shop sales, how=
do you promote your work? Jan Schachter and Janet Bajorek will lead an int=
eractive discussion on how to network to access galleries, what materials t=
o present; co-ops, non- profit galleries, and consignment vs. wholesale The=
y will also discuss how to prepare for a gallery or a show, some practical =
considerations of contracts, commission, costs, etc.; handling payment prob=
lems with galleries, your obligations. Bring your experiences to the worksh=
op or send a short statement of your experiences when you register. =0A=0AM=
ake Tiles the Old-Fashioned Way * Diane Winters=0ASee a demonstration of ha=
ndcrafted tile making using a traditional press-mold method. Discussion wil=
l cover many other aspects of tile making, including advice on clay body se=
lection, modeling, plaster casting, drying and firing without warping, grou=
t color options, etc. See examples of Diane's tiles at www.artisticlicense.=
org/members/winters/index.html or
ndex.html. (wait for images to load). =0A=0AKiln Maintenance and Repair * J=
J Stiff (Clay Planet)=0ANew to kiln ownership or thinking about getting one=
? Get tips on the proper care and feeding of your kiln to increase the life=
expectancy. Learn the basics of kiln maintenance--how to change an element=
, tune your kiln sitter, troubleshoot and test your kiln for problems to ma=
ke basic repairs yourself. =0A=0ANaked Raku Methodology: Current Trends and=
Challenges * Eduardo Lazo=0AThis creative interactive problem-solving sess=
ion stems from the growing interest in Naked Raku. Naked Raku techniques di=
ffer and the process can be challenging for even the most experienced ceram=
ist. This workshop presents an opportunity for interested parties to access=
successful techniques used by leading artists. Participants will be asked =
to share experiences and exchange winning ideas. =0A=0AHand Building Using =
Beach Balls * Phyllis Lee=0AWant to make big pots but you can=92t throw wel=
l enough on the wheel? Here is your chance to learn this simple, but effect=
ive method of building around a beach ball. Adding texture and sprigs, shap=
ing the form, and other tips will be shared and demonstrated. =0A=0ASix Ste=
ps to Throwing Bliss * Andy Ruble=0AFind your throwing bliss to maximize yo=
ur potential on the potter's wheel. Andy will cover the basic six steps to =
throwing bliss: tall cylinders, dry shaping techniques, as well as discuss =
pottery fundamentals such as form, function, line quality, proportion, visu=
al terminations, and surface embellishment techniques. =0A=0AThe workshop w=
ill be limited to 100 participants.=0A=0A=0AIf you have questions please re=
ply to you would like to be removed from our list=
,=0Aplease contact our website at http://www.o= =0A =
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