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any brazil pottery suppliers

updated thu 6 nov 97


Arturo M DeVitalis on sun 2 nov 97

Two questions about being a potter in Brazil:

1. From whom do you obtain tools, cones, clay, etc. & why.
2. I want to purchase a wheel and elec kiln to be used in Brazil....what
is the best (read least expensive) method of accomplishing this.
All comments\suggestions will be entertained!! Can reply privately to:

Karl P. Platt on wed 5 nov 97

Arturo --

Please forward your exact requirements and I'll be happy to furnish you
with resources. In general, you'll be astonished by the prices you'll find
-- and the quality. Excellent kilns can be had. Wheeles (tornos) are
another matter. They exist, but are usually made by someone in a fashion
thay'd call "caseiro" or home-made -- read rustic.

Anyway, I'll look forward to details. You're coming to Brasil? Where?
When? Do tell.
