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subject: re: diffusion through clay bodies? what's the right term

updated sat 1 sep 07


Ivor and Olive Lewis on fri 31 aug 07

Dear Steve Slatin,

Thank you for your criticism.

But let's get something clear. I did not say that Copper would diffuse =
through the bisque clay as it was standing. I made a plausible =
suggestion relating to the behaviour of a wet glaze slop that could =
account for the observation of another subscriber.

Yes, it is possible for our olfactory sense to detect some gaseous =
substances in the realms of parts per million. Knowing what you believe =
you are scenting relies on a your comparison with prior experience =
unless you are able to carry out Spectroscopic or Chromatographic =
examination of an atmospheric sample. As an ad hoc test you might soak a =
filter paper in a solution of Sodium Sulphide and place this over, but =
not in contact with a sheet of copper for a period of time. Then =
describe what effect this has on the filter paper surface.

Best regards,