phyllis michele greenhouse on sun 2 nov 97
hi folks...
last weekend i had the good fortune of being able to attend a workshop
given by Rick Berman, raku/sawku potter and associate editor of Claytimes
Magazine...the workshop was held for three days duration that commenced
at Florida Atlantic University, in Boca Raton, and then moved a bit
south to Broward Community College, in Fort Lauderdale.....there were
many students/faculty/local clay artists taking part in this informative
workshop/seminar and slide show that Rick brought down with him from
atlanta...his ease of throwing, whilst entertaining the crowd with clay
anecdotes were truly appreciated by all who had the pleasure of
attending.....Rick has such a pleasant manner and feels so at home with
his creating skills that it almost felt as though we were being privy to
visiting him in his own studio...the weather was quite hot for the sawku
and raku firings on saturday, and he diligently hung around placing a
myriad of the groups' pots and vessels into the blazing kilns for hours
upon hours as the sawku needed tending quite often with the additions of a special bonus besides the informative workshop, i was able to
talk Rick into allowing me to purchase a beautiful white crackle pot of
his that he stamped/chopped and signed :) =21 if anyone would like to
peruse it, i'll attach it to this post so you can see how lucky i got :)
THANX again, Rick =21 (and come back real soon)
-=3C/color=3E=3Ccolor=3E=3Cparam=3E0000,0000,8080=3C/param=3E phyllis =
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