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american litigation system/ ceramics in the city. london.

updated sat 22 sep 07


Pat Southwood on fri 21 sep 07


Your posting Lee amused me.

I have spent the day in London, setting up for "Ceramics in the City" a =
three day selling Ceramics fair at The Geffrye Museum ( The museum of =
Domestic Interiors),uk

Some big boys and girls are playing here, and me.

Someone had set out their stand earlier and had gone home, when it came =
to closing time the security staff were most concerned about the mixed =
savoury nuts that she had in a couple of her bowls.
Some of us assumed that they were worried about visitors suffering =
allergic reations to the nuts and sueing the museum.
No, No, said the nice man, - Ooh,- I hadn't thought of that at all,- =
I was just worried about the mice.......

Pat Southwood