Barbara Brown on mon 10 sep 07
There is going to be a David Shaner retrospective show at the Ceramic Res=
earch Center, ASU, Tempe, Az=20
Sept 28, 2007-Jan 6, 2008. If you are in Arizona in the next 3 months it=
will be well worth seeing. Charley and I are going down for the opening=
Sept 28th. My mother (93) lives in an assisted living apartment in Temp=
e so I can visit her and see the show. =20
Show information below:
This fall, the CRC presents a comprehensive retrospective on the ceramic =
art of David Shaner (1934-2002), which includes 60 works drawn from the m=
useum's permanent collection, the Shaner family collection, and other pub=
lic and private collections. A hard-cover catalog providing multiple vie=
ws on Shaners work, with essays by Jack Troy, Conan Putnam, Hollis Walker=
and exhibition curator Peter Held, accompany the exhibition $35 + tax ($=
Friday, Sept 28 noon-1pm gallery talk with Peter Held and Ann Shaner
Friday, Sept 28 7-9pm public reception
ASU Art Museum, Ceramic Research Center, 10th Street and Mill Avenue, Tem=
pe, Az 480-965-2787 =20
Ceramic Research Center Hours: Tues-Sat 11-5 free admission
Barbara Brown
1225 Manzano Way
Sunnyvale, Ca 94089
408-736-3889 phone/fax
marta matray on tue 11 sep 07
barbara's post reminded me of a david shaner interview i read some times ago. its a long, wonderful read of an uncut interview made by gerry williams in 2001.
it is on the smithsonians archives site:
enjoy it,
>>>There is going to be a David Shaner retrospective show at the Ceramic Research Center, ASU, Tempe, Az
Sept 28, 2007-Jan 6, 2008. If you are in Arizona in the next 3 months it will be well worth seeing. Charley and I are going down for the opening Sept 28th. My mother (93) lives in an assisted living apartment in Tempe so I can visit her and see the show.
Show information below:
This fall, the CRC presents a comprehensive retrospective on the ceramic art of David Shaner (1934-2002), which includes 60 works drawn from the museum's permanent collection, the Shaner family collection, and other public and private collections. A hard-cover catalog providing multiple views on Shaners work, with essays by Jack Troy, Conan Putnam, Hollis Walker and exhibition curator Peter Held, accompany the exhibition $35 + tax ($36.96)
Friday, Sept 28 noon-1pm gallery talk with Peter Held and Ann Shaner
Friday, Sept 28 7-9pm public reception
ASU Art Museum, Ceramic Research Center, 10th Street and Mill Avenue, Tempe, Az 480-965-2787
Ceramic Research Center Hours: Tues-Sat 11-5 free admission
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Marta Matray on tue 11 sep 07
barbara's post reminded me that i copied and saved a beautiful, great
'interview with david shaner' published on the smithsonian's
website. here is the website:
have a wonderful read!
On Mon, 10 Sep 2007 01:43:53 GMT, Barbara Brown wrote:
>There is going to be a David Shaner retrospective show at the Ceramic
Research Center, ASU, Tempe, Az
>Sept 28, 2007-Jan 6, 2008. If you are in Arizona in the next 3 months it
will be well worth seeing. Charley and I are going down for the opening
Sept 28th. My mother (93) lives in an assisted living apartment in Tempe
so I can visit her and see the show.
>Show information below:
>This fall, the CRC presents a comprehensive retrospective on the ceramic
art of David Shaner (1934-2002), which includes 60 works drawn from the
museum's permanent collection, the Shaner family collection, and other
public and private collections. A hard-cover catalog providing multiple
views on Shaners work, with essays by Jack Troy, Conan Putnam, Hollis
Walker and exhibition curator Peter Held, accompany the exhibition $35 +
tax ($36.96)
>Friday, Sept 28 noon-1pm gallery talk with Peter Held and Ann Shaner
>Friday, Sept 28 7-9pm public reception
>ASU Art Museum, Ceramic Research Center, 10th Street and Mill Avenue,
Tempe, Az 480-965-2787
>Ceramic Research Center Hours: Tues-Sat 11-5 free admission
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