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jeff oestreich demo-workshop oct. 5 & 6, 2007...

updated tue 18 sep 07


Clayworkers' Guild of Illinois - ClayArt E-mail on mon 17 sep 07

Hi Everyone,

The Clayworkers' Guild of Illinois has asked me to submit a notice about our
upcoming demo-workshop with Jeff Oestreich (in conjunction with Great Lakes
Clay & Supply and McHenry County College in Crystal Lake, Illinois). Jeff
will be demonstrating his elegant throwing and construction techniques. He
will also be bringing pots for workshop participants to purchase (working
Guild members get first pick...)

It is a two-day event. Friday & Saturday October 5th & 6th, 2007 from 9am
CDT - 4pm CDT (both days) in the Conference Center at McHenry County College
in Crystal Lake, IL. The cost is: $90.00 (USD) for both days, or $50.00
(USD) for one day--Lunch not included. (an additional fee of $25.00 will be
assessed at the door, so participants are encouraged to sign up before the
workshop starts...)

Registration to this event is on-line at our web site (see below). To learn
more about this event, from our home page: click on the Upcoming Workshops
button, or click on the following link:

To learn more about the Guild, to become a member, or to register for this
demo-workshop, please see our web site: All
additional questions should be directed to me either from the web site, or
at: Kimi Hefty -- President - Clayworkers' Guild of Illinois --

(Aside: annual membership in the Guild is $25.00 from Oct. thru Dec. and
$35.00 from Jan. 1 thru Sept.30) -- memberships & renewals can be done
on-line but will also be available at the workshop, so anyone can
join/rejoin/renew at the workshop as well. Guild members always get a
discount on workshops.)

We look forward to seeing some of you in October!

