Lili Krakowski on mon 24 sep 07
No. Not a joke. Have done it, and there is in fact a drawing in Leach's
book of someone doing it. The person there, and we, when we did it in
school, wedged up large amounts of freshly mixed body. BUT it can be done,
and should be feasible, in much smaller amounts. I agree that freshly
pugged clay needs no wedging--I never wedge mine that is for sure.
But if you have recycled clay wedging with your feet works fine. You can
do it on a large thick piece of plastic on the floor
and when you have smooshed it all down, lift the corners to get it back in
a heap again. You DO need to have something to hold on to so you do not
slip and fall. But, again, it is something you can figure out. Come to
think of it, if you have an old cast iron bathtub, you probably could wedge
with your feet in it, holding on to the sides....Never tried it...will next
It is a wonderful way to make tiles,. Frans Wildenhain made himself floor
tiles that way. I do not recall if he used molds, or if he cut up the slab
he created. It was a fine floor to walk on barefoot. I have made
insulation brick that way...using Andrew Holden's recipe and a 2" x 4"
frame, about 14" x 14". There one has to be careful as it is easy to stub
one's toes. But there, with brick, one might do it with some sort of
rubber clog on....
Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage
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