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slab roller plans and clutter in the studio

updated thu 27 sep 07


Lori Richter on wed 26 sep 07

Good morning, Everyone!

I appreciate all the help in my search for the slab roller plans - I've =
been gifted with some amazing plans, pictures and advice. I'm still =
using the one at school at the urging of the 'Guy in Charge' and will =
continue to do so until I can either find one of my own really cheap or =
get one built with the generous help from all these responses.

Life has been a bit tedious until very recent, so I haven't kept in =
touch as much as I should have with those that offered help - I =
apologize for that. I will get back to you, though. (You know who you =

And this relates to studio clutter how??? The slab roller (whatever I =
end up with) needs to be relatively small, built to fit the small space =
that I have or portable (I know, I know - I've told you this before) so =
it can be put away when not in use because I live by the "Law of the =
Flat Surface" - if there is a flat surface, there must be something =
placed upon it. (This from an old friend who lived by the same law.) =
Kitchen counter, work table, dining room table, desk - it doesn't matter =
- if it's a flat surface, it's fair game.

I admit I'm a pack rat. I keep things. I can't/don't throw things away =
that may have some use in the future. I'm getting better, though - =
really! I've been trying to clean out, throw away, give away, =
de-clutter, de-stash, etc., etc., and I think I've finally committed =
myself to getting this under control - or being committed for letting it =
get to and remain in this state for way too long. I'm very proud of =
myself for tossing the dry-cleaning plastic from the down comforters I =
had cleaned - it didn't hurt a bit. And, I haven't scrounged buckets =
from the bakery in months! (The fact that I had to empty, pack and =
clean out my office before my last day at work had a great deal of =
influence here... How can anyone have that much junk in such a small =
amount of space???)

I can't/don't work well in chaos - I don't mind disarray and grunge =
(it's the nature of the clay beast), but find that I work and cook in =
the same manner - clean up as I go so I don't have so much to take care =
of afterwards. Especially since the space I have (in both instances) is =
so limited. =20

Funny thing is that studio clutter problems aren't just in the clay =
studio - my yarn and fiber stash has gotten completely out of control - =
I've lost track of the number of knitting needles/crochet hooks and =
other fiber related tools I own (including the ones I've made for those =
special projects). We won't even talk about the spindles - did you know =
that those free CD's are not only terrific for making clay tools, but =
are also absolutely perfect for making beginner's spindles?? And, also, =
that spindles and knitting needles seem to multiply like bunnies if they =
aren't watched closely? I've been using my warping board to hang =
freshly spun and set skeins of yarn to keep them from the cats - and, =
oh, all those beautiful fibers and yarns that called my name loudly, =
demanding to come home with me. Those I can at least trade - does that =
count as part of a stash - traded stuff? And, let's not forget the =
beadwork and fabrics and - well, I'm sure you all can relate somehow. =
Clutter is clutter, no matter how you (I) try to disguise it or where it =

I'm getting way off topic here, but I do appreciate knowing I'm not the =
only one who, at times, has had to use the neighbor's trash allowance to =
get rid of things or buy extra tags for the numerous bags set out at the =
curb late at night so no one sees the amount of crap that needs to =
leave. It sure beats having to rent one of those big, blue dumpsters =
and risking the rest of the neighborhood giggle and point and snicker. =
Of course, we never see anyone else with one of those beasts lounging =
around in the alley. Yup - riiiight. I've found Freecycle as another =
great trashbusting tool - amazing the things that people want or will =
take just because it's offered. I'm always glad someone else can find =
use for it - or pass it on to someone who can or will.

Sorry for the rambling - I'm now officially retired and find that my =
mind is clearer, I'm not nearly as tired, I don't have those crappy =
migraines I've been plagued with for the last couple of years and I now =
have the time to actually compose a message that, even if it rambles a =
bit, gets sent. =20

Take care all - be well! And, THANK YOU!!!

Looking forward to each day, no matter what it brings.
Freeport, IL - USA