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mixing clay/unified body of work... and the extrudinaires

updated tue 9 oct 07


David Hendley on mon 8 oct 07

----- Original Message -----
> Yours
> Kelly in Ohio... hoping that David Hendley and the Extrudinaires are
> working on a new CD... I have about worn mine thin driving to and from
> school.

Hi Kelly, it was nice to be remembered at the end of your message.
I am indeed slowly working on a new music CD. This will be more
of a solo project, with various friends coming and going as guest
musicians. And, it will be mostly vocal songs. I have written a couple
of new songs for/about potters that I know you will like.

Last weekend I was the "opening act" at a local acoustic music
venue. In a couple of weeks I will have the pleasure of both having a
pottery display and doing a set of music on the performer's stage
at The Edom Festival of the Arts,

Remembering back to my graduation show (w-a-y back to the '70's),
I had trouble coming up with a unified body of work. What I really
wanted to show, and what I spent most of my time making, was
straight forward utilitarian pots, but it was known that more
"arty" work was expected for a graduate show. Of course, today,
thinking about those pieces is nothing but an embarrassment!

David Hendley
Maydelle, Texas