mel jacobson on wed 17 oct 07
i took an old abandoned kick wheel that kurt had, just used the
shaft and bearings...mounted it in my bench...and use a big formica
wheel head that kurt had...i think it is 20 inches across..marked out
in a grid.
don't need the flywheel...just too heavy.
i use it for waxing all my work.
spins like a top.
the old lockerbie cast iron banding wheel is a a shimpo.
for detail work, i always use that one. the shimpo is worth the money.
you only need one, and only once in your lifetime.
bearings are cheap, or get them from a used auto supply.
(junk yard)
there are some wonderful front axle assemblies from older cars....they
can be set to use. if you have the engine nuity.
this goes back to the days when play was building things. we did it all the
time. pushmobiles, race cars from boxes...found bearings from bikes. broken
down wagons and tricycles re/cycled.
now it is: `mom can i have that four thousand dollar bike at mountains inc`
`sure honey, are you sure you only need one?` `mom, what is a wrench, is
that a bad name for a woman, or a swear word?` `no honey, you don't need
to know those words...others/strangers use those sort of things`
in fact....a bike spindle/front wheel mounted some way....and a batt
epoxed to the
wheel would spin for seven years. hmmm, already thinking...take the
bottom six inches
off the front/ weld it to a base...add it to a bench...add the wheel
...whosh...i have
to have breakfast...this is too exciting.
from: mel/
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