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fun trimming photo blog

updated fri 26 oct 07


Digital Studio on thu 25 oct 07

Here I am... 12:20 on a school night, posting to Clayart about ceramics.
Tomorrow I will wake up and go to the ceramics studio at 10:00 a.m., and
stay there until... 11:00 p.m. A glaze fire is cooling off right now so
I'll have that to open tomorrow, I can't wait. It's like Christmas
morning, especially when the Floating Blue turns out as gorgeous as it
does after our fires. (Pictures of that coming too.)

Trimming a cup ( I love the Giffin Grip!) :

A new meaning to "asleep at the wheel":

Finished cup (check out the foot on that thing!):

I get lots of offers from other students to trim their pots for them. I
tell them that I only like to trim my own, haha.

Kendra Bogert